JCOTR Peer Reviewer

JCOTR Peer Reviewers assist in the initial review of submissions for the Journal for College Orientation, Transition, and Retention (JCOTR)


Candidates for the position of Peer Reviewer must have contributed scholarly work to the fields of orientation, transition, or retention -or- served in a professional capacity in the fields of orientation, transition, or retention for at least five years. 


Peer Reviewers are expected to actively participate in the preparation and development of the JCOTR. The JCOTR is a practice-focused journal, but we publish articles that range from full-research manuscripts to campus-based assessment. See the full list of Manuscript Submission Types. Peer Reviewers should positively promote with their campus and professional network communities the work of the JCOTR.


  • Review manuscript submissions (typically 1 every 2-3 months)
  • Email correspondence and timely follow-up on editorial management questions
  • Meet timelines as required for review of manuscripts (Peer Reviewers get 30 days to review) 
  • Meet virtually 1-2 times a year for training and updates
  • Encourage the submission of articles and research for publications

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