The charge of the Communities Implementation Committee to create Communities, review existing Communities, and advocate for the needs of Communities.

To meet this charge, the Committee will:

  • Support and coach NODA members through the process as they organize to form new Communities
  • Collaborate with the Board Liaison and Association Staff Partner(s) to create an application form and template to assist in supporting and evaluating proposed Communities
  • Provide a recommendation to the Board of Directors on the status of proposed Communities
  • Evaluate and provide guidance for Communities
  • Reevaluate the make-up and role of this committee in two years (2026) as Communities evolve

This committee will focus on the following elements of the Strategic Plan:

  • Effectively and consistently communicate about the programs, services, and knowledge base of the Association with its members and the larger higher education community
  • Enhance the onboarding process for new members and staff to NODA
  • Engage regions, networks, and committees leadership to provide better role clarity and alignment for effectiveness of their charges

Thomas André-Alves de Lima
Northeastern University

Jordan Holiday-Millard
University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Committee Membership
  • Communities Implementation Committee Chair
  • Three Community Leads: one from Program, Professional and Place
  • Board Liaison
  • Association Staff Partner(s)
Committee Member Term
  • TBD
Committee Chair
  • TBD
  • TBD