In the fall of 2022, the Board of Directors embarked on a path to reinvigorate and revitalize the way members connect with each other. This work has culminated in the launch of NODA Communities, which will be officially launched in January 2025! NODA Communities will be replacing NODA Networks, which will transition into the new structure. . NODA Regions will continue to operate through spring of 2025 as a final new structure is determined.
Communities are designed to create a sense of belonging and promote member engagement within the Association in many ways, including:
- Forging connections centered on professional responsibilities and roles, institutional types, personal identities, geographic areas, and other commonalities;
- Providing members with regular connection points to establish and foster professional relationships;
- Cultivating the sharing of leading practices and research;
- Enhancing the orientation, transition, and retention field;
- Providing for year-round learning and engagement.
NODA Communities are organized into three categories:
People Communities
These Communities are designed to foster connections and support for members based on identities held. These Communities provide space for identity-based personal and professional development, mentorship, and education. Current People Communities include:
- Professionals of Color Community
- LGBTQIA+ Community
Program & Professional Communities
These Communities serve members implementing specific programs or initiatives, working at specific institution types, or who share professional identities. Program & Professional Communities serve the membership by contributing to the Orientation, Transition, and Retention knowledge base, providing programs and professional development opportunities, and networking experiences among NODA members of similar programmatic portfolio, institution type, or role at the institution. Current Program & Professional Communities include:
- Small College Professionals Community
- Family and Supporter Engagement Community
- Transfer Services Community
- Large Institution Community
- Transition Programs Community
- Two-Year Institution Community
- Graduate Student Community
Place Communities
These Communities are designed to create and promote connection to the Association and other members based on geographic location or institution commonalities (i.e. SEC Directors, New England Directors, Big 10 Directors). Their focus allows for mentorship, networking, programming, development opportunities, support, and conversation around geographic issues (ex.: legal requirements, culture, etc.).
Join a Community
Community membership is maintained through your NODA membership portal. New Communities will be available for selection starting in January 2025.
Community Leadership
Each Community Category will be supported by a Community Lead. Each Community will have its own Leadership Team, composed of a Chair/Co-Chairs, a Program Coordinator, and a Communications Coordinator. Communities also have the opportunity to create additional leadership positions based on their unique needs.
Community formation
Communities are dynamic and responsive to the needs of our members. Any member with the support of ten other members across at least three institutions can submit a proposal to form a new Community. The Community Integration Committee is now accepting submissions for new NODA Communities! If you are interested in creating a new Community, learn more and submit a Community Formation Form proposal.
First Review
Submission Deadline: September 1, 2024
Notification: December 2024
Second Review
Submission Deadline: January 1, 2025
Notification: January 2025
Following the initial review periods above, new NODA Communities will be approved once a year in the fall for launch in January.