Position Description
This is an Association-leading volunteer position, ideal for those interested in determining and advancing strategic directions, governing over long-term goals, representing the Association to other members, and setting the tone for member experiences.
Engagement and Access Officer Responsibilities
- Serve on the Executive Committee and attend all meetings (monthly virtual meetings and one transition meeting in January/February)
- Prepare for, attend, and participate in all Board of Directors meetings (1 in-person at the Annual Conference in the fall, 1 in-person in the spring, and 1 virtual meeting in July), including monthly virtual Board update meetings
- Chair the Engagement and Access Committee
- Oversee the development and implementation of a comprehensive place for equity and inclusion in coordination with the Engagement and Access Committee
- Scan the larger environment to understand how issues of equity and inclusion impact the work of the profession, issues of the Association, and the needs and experiences of professionals
- Serve on the Nominations Elections Committee as an ex-officio member
- Serve on the Leadership Development Committee as an ex-officio member
- Complete other duties as delegated by the President
Qualifications & Eligibility
At the time of application, individuals must have:
- Full-time employment at a higher education institution
- Active NODA membership
- 4 years of professional, full-time employment in higher education/higher education adjacent work
- Successfully completed a full-term in a previous NODA or higher ed association leadership role as identified on the Association’s Election Resources web page www.nodaweb.org
- A letter of institutional support
EAO position is required to maintain an active Association membership for the duration of their term.
EAO position is required to maintain employment at a higher education institution or a non-profit interest in the field of OTR for the duration of their term.
Financial support (institutional or personal) is required to cover travel costs to attend conferences and Board of Director meetings. If institutional support is unavailable, email the chair of the Leadership Development subcommittee for Candidate Review & Elections to discuss options.
EAO position requires a commitment of three years. During the course of the term, the EAO should anticipate an average of 6-8 hours of Association-related calls and project work per month, in addition to attending in-person and virtual NODA Board of Director meetings.
EAO responsibilities require members to be in active communication with other members, executive committee members, Association staff, and external constituents. EIO is expected to engage in discussion and actively participate in the Board of Directors’ work. EIO is also expected to represent the Board of Directors to the membership with clarity, professionalism, and integrity.
- Master’s degree in Education, or related field.
- Diverse professional experience with a variety of institution types, OTR roles, supervision lines, etc.
- Leadership and management experience that reflect the skills needed to fulfill the Treasurer’s responsibilities outlined above.
- Current knowledge and understanding of the field of orientation, transition, and retention.
- Knowledge and demonstrated commitment to best practices and trends related to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
- Contributions to the scholarship of the Association including, but not limited to: conference presentations or publication submission.
- Applicants must also demonstrate an understanding of NODA’s core purpose, beliefs, values, and core competencies, as well as the knowledge and skills necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position as stated above.
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