NODA offers a platform to facilitate the matching of motivated, quality students with challenging, exciting orientation, transition, and retention positions at NODA member institutions across the U.S. and Canada.

This is accomplished by bringing together these candidates and hosts through our online tool, which fosters:

  • Standardized candidate Profiles and Job postings
  • Centralized communication and timeline
  • Application management
  • Confirmation of candidate / internship matches

NODA’s Internship Program platform is designed to facilitate the matching of motivated, quality students with challenging, exciting orientation, transition, and retention positions at NODA institutions across the U.S. and Canada.

By providing an internship experience, your institution/program has the opportunity to gain insight and new ideas from the perspective and background of an enthusiastic graduate student intern. The short-term nature of these internships can also provide an economic way to increase the number of staff during a busy time of the year.

Testimonial from Duke University

Sample Materials

  • Position Descriptions – Coming Soon
  • Contracts – Coming Soon

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there compensation requirements to participate in the NODA Internship Program?
No, host institutions can set compensation and benefit packages that are in alignment with their institution polices and procedures. NODA encourages all host institutions to pay at minimum the living wage for the area and provide temporary housing for the intern.

Are interns employed by NODA?
No, interns are enter into an employment relationship with the host institution. NODA just facilitates the process of matching and securing positions.

How long are the internship experiences?
Most internships will be 10-14 weeks throughout the summer (May through August). Hosts may indicate if dates are flexible or not. Hosts should be mindful that most interns can’t start until classes are finished and need to return to their home institution prior to classes beginning.

How many internship positions can I post?
Hosts can post as many positions as necessary. Please keep in mind that this is a competitive process and all positions may not be filled.

NODA internships can greatly enhance your NODA student membership experience. Many NODA professional members began their career with a NODA internship.

NODA interns gain valuable insight into varied methods of planning and implementing orientation, transition, and retention programs. They have the opportunity to be involved in many different aspects of orientation, to expand their knowledge base and understanding of the diversity in programs, and to develop an extensive support and mentor base.

NODA’s Internship Program platform is designed to facilitate the matching of motivated, quality students with challenging, exciting orientation, transition, and retention positions at NODA member institutions across the U.S, and Canada.

NODA Intern Testimonial


Frequently Asked Questions

Is there compensation for internship?
Internship compensation packages and terms of service are determined by the individual internship provider. 

Am I employed by NODA?
No, interns are enter into an employment relationship with the host institution. NODA just facilitates the process of matching and securing positions.

How long are the internship experiences?
Most internships will be 10-14 weeks throughout the summer (May through August). Hosts may indicate if dates are flexible; candidates should apply only for those internships whose timelines they can accommodate 

How many internships positions can I apply to?
Internship candidates can apply to an unlimited number of position postings.

What is the application fee?
In order to apply for internship positions, you must hold a current graduate student membership ($45 when purchased individually*), the internship fee is included with your membership. Non-members are ineligible to participate in the program. 

*Check to see if your institution is already a member of NODA, graduate student membership is included in institutional memberships.

How do I know if I am eligible to be an intern?
To apply for a NODA internship, individuals must have obtained a Bachelor’s degree PRIOR to the internship. There are two categories of candidates:

  • Current graduate students at the time of the application to the NODA internship program, or
  • Individuals who have a BA/BS degree prior to summer, but have yet to begin a graduate program

NODA Internships are intended to pair interns with institutions with which they have no previous experience. Therefore, a student may not serve as an intern at his or her current institution. While all interns will have completed a Bachelors degree prior to the start of the internship, hosts may identify a preference for recent graduates or applicants with at least a year of graduate school experience.

In order to participate as a candidate in the NODA internship program, you must be a current NODA member by the enrollment deadline (see timeline). Once membership is paid, you can login to the internship program online tool using your NODA membership login information. Within the online tool, you will be able to create your profile, browse internship positions, and communicate directly with internship hosts. 

2024 – 2025 Program Registration

Hosts and candidates can register for the program between Wednesday, December 4 and Tuesday, January 14. Early registration is encouraged to maximize time and visibility in the NODA Internship Portal. To participate in the program, participants must have an account on the NODA Member Portal. If you need to create an account, click here.

Membership Requirements
  • Graduate Students – Membership is required to participate in the program, please purchase your graduate student membership prior to registering for the internship program. Applicants must have a bachelors degree to apply to NODA internships.
  • Host InstitutionsMembership is strongly encouraged. Programs fees vary based on host institution membership type, see the fee structure below.
Registration Closed

2024 – 2025 Program Timeline

Host Institutions

  • Wednesday, December 4
    Registration opens for host institutions, internship postings can be created.
  • Monday, January 6
    Host institution postings become visible to all candidates (job posting board becomes visible @ 12PM CT).
  • Tuesday, January 14
    Registration closes for new participants.
  • Monday, January 27
    Applications received and may begin to reach out to candidates.
  • Monday, February 3
    Host institutions can begin interviewing candidates.
  • Monday, March 3
    Host institutions can begin the offer process for desired candidates (starting at 1pm CST).
  • Wednesday, March 12
    Round Two begins for unmatched host institutions.
  • Friday, April 11
    Program ends and job site access is concluded.


  • Wednesday, December 4
    Registration opens for candidates, candidate profiles can be created.
  • Monday, January 6
    Candidates can begin to review available internship postings (job posting board becomes visible @ 12PM CT).
  • Tuesday, January 14
    Registration closes for new participants.
  • Wednesday, January 15
    Candidates can apply for open positions.
  • Tuesday, January 21
    Position applications due for submission (due by 5pm CST).
  • Monday, February 3
    Interviews begin with hosts.
  • Monday, March 3
    Candidates may accept offers and must update their program status on their profile (within 24hrs).
  • Wednesday, March 12
    Round Two begins for unmatched candidates.
  • Friday, April 11
    Program ends and job site access is concluded.

Round Two Timeline

  • Wednesday, March 12
    Candidates can apply for remaining open positions – application submissions re-open in portal
  • Friday, March 21
    Applications due for submission (due by 5pm CST)
  • Tuesday, March 25
    Association provides application submissions to hosts (offer and interview times are up to the hosts’ discretion)
  • Friday, April 11
    Program ends and job site access is concluded

Fee Structure

Host Institutions

  • Institutions with Institutional Membership – $0
  • Individual Professional Members  – $175
  • Non-Members – $350


  • Institutional Members (Graduate Students) – $0
  • Individual Graduate Students  – $0
  • Non-Members – Ineligible (must be a member)

(Fees are non-refundable. Please visit our membership page to learn more about the benefits of being a member!)

NODA Internship Policy

By participating in the NODA Internship Program, candidates and Host Institutions must abide by the stated process and timeline. If you believe there has been a violation of the NODA Internship process or timeline, please complete the form below. You may also contact NODA Office at ( with any concerns.

Reporting an Internship Program Rules Infraction

If you have become aware of an institution violating the NODA Internship program rules, please take the time to fill out this form.