Crisis Management

The management of emergencies and crises in higher education supports the overall effectiveness of programs, services, and student development. OTR practitioners must develop an awareness of and appropriate skills in response, direction, and management of high impact/high stress situations.


  • Demonstrate understanding of the process and protocols to be implemented when
    faced with a crisis situation, including medical, mental health, behavioral, weather,
    and facility related emergencies
  • Demonstrate ability to implement critical incident response procedures and
    protocols including conflict de-escalation skills
  • Navigate conflict and confrontational situations involving a variety of difficult
    levels and constituents
  • Articulate the emergency communication plan and familiarize self with specifics of
    institutional goals, directives, and procedures
  • Recognize the functional and organizational structure of departments, units and
    the overall institution as it relates to emergency management
  • Facilitate processes and practices to ensure physical and emotional safety and
    security of constituents
  • Implement emergency management protocol with emergency personnel in various
    levels of emergency status, including medical, mental health, weather, and facility
    related scenarios
  • Recognize and implement the institutional emergency communication plan for a
    wide variety of scenarios
  • Demonstrate the proper techniques in handling emergency situations and adhere
    to the appropriate guidelines of follow up for an emergency situation
  • Incorporate training experiences for professional and student staff on crisis
    response and emergency procedures
  • Recognize the desires and needs of intended audiences to receive emergency
    communication response messages
  • Adhere to institutional workers’ compensation policies and procedures
  • Exhibit the appropriate behaviors of flexibility and adaptability when faced with
    drastic change within a functional unit or institution
  • Develop emergency response processes and protocols in accordance with
    institutional directives, understanding the impact of procedures on the physical
    and emotional safety and security of constituents
  • Proactively train and educate all student employees, new professionals and mid
    level professionals regarding program safety and security measures
  • Influence emergency management protocol and procedures by developing
    response plans with essential emergency personnel prior to a crisis situation
    including but not limited to medical, mental health, weather, facility, and missing or
    harmed person related scenarios
  • Influence, develop, and evaluate emergency communication plans in conjunction
    with campus partners to accommodate and respect the needs of the institution, the
    scenario, the individual(s) affected and the community
  • Demonstrate proper techniques for establishing preventative measures and
    reassess processes and protocols after an emergency situation
  • Provide leadership and direction to minimize the negative impact of drastic
    changes within unit or institution


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