Enrollment Management

The enrollment and support of qualified, prepared and informed students is a goal of the institution. To support the institutional goals OTR practitioners must have knowledge and be active participants in the enrollment process with the end goal of student success and retention.


  • Understand the importance of the college transition process and factors affecting
    students, families, and the institution
  • Articulate the connection between the enrollment process and retention
    strategy planning
  • Understand processes affecting enrollment, including financial aid and admissions
    related procedures and support
  • Assist students and families in understanding the enrollment process
  • Engage with perspective and committed students and maintain rapport throughout
    the enrollment process through OTR programs
  • Acknowledge the importance of recruitment practices and university-wide
    yield programs
  • Outline the institution’s recruitment process and practices that affect yield and
    ultimately OTR programs
  • Interpret institutional priorities regarding admission and enrollment management
    to guide planning of OTR programs
  • Frame the impact OTR programs have on the student experience by supporting
    educational options and decision-making for matriculating students
  • Utilize enrollment trends and demographics to inform retention practices
    and strategies
  • Develop a working knowledge of matriculation, melt, and yield activities to assist
    with the planning of OTR programs
  • Incorporate content related to final steps of the admissions and enrollment process
    into orientation and transition programs
  • Assist with training campus partners on the enrollment process as it relates to
    orientation, transition, and retention
  • Analyze practices and data to effectively guide the collaboration and interaction
    between recruitment, admission, and retention life cycle with the OTR
    program initiatives
  • Provide guidance to faculty, staff, and administration regarding needs of incoming/
    current student base
  • Advise Admissions on institutional retention goals in order to support and inform
    the institutional recruitment strategy
  • Create cross-training opportunities for admission, enrollment managers and OTR
    staff and campus partners
  • Interpret trends regarding academics and graduation statistics in relation to
    college transition and retention
  • Differentiate the first year to second year persistence factors and process and
    utilize these in OTR planning and practice
  • Possess a technical understanding of student data management
  • Create training opportunities for OTR professionals on the current needs of
    prospective students
  • Project trends in enrollment and their impact on current and future needs of
    students, families, and institution


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