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NODA CAS Council Representative

Responsibilities and Expectations

The NODA Representative to the CAS Council is expected to attend and participate in the business of CAS, acting with full authority to represent, carry out assigned responsibilities, vote on behalf of, and communicate with NODA. Representatives to the CAS Council are eligible to serve as officers of CAS, as elected, or otherwise selected by the Council in accordance with organizational Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws. 

Representative responsibilities on the Council include: 

  • Attending Council Meetings: One Council meeting each year is conducted in-person, typically in November. Two other Council meetings occur by videoconference in April and July. Association representation at all three meetings is expected. 
  • Serving on committees to create, review, and revise CAS Standards: The Representative is expected to serve on a standards review committee. Involvement in Standards revision processes typically requires one year to 18 months for a participant. 
  • Participating in the review of standards undergoing revision: Representatives are expected to provide feedback on standards drafts before they come to the Council for a vote of approval. 
  • Serving on committees and workgroups to advance the mission and values of CAS: The Representative is expected to participate in committees and workgroups on a range of projects (e.g., assessment, marketing) that advance the strategic objectives of the Council. Service on a standards review committee, other CAS committee, or CAS workgroup is expected throughout a Representative’s term. 
  • Representing the work of CAS to NODA Members: The Representative is expected to work with NODA leadership and staff to educate their membership about the value, function, and activities of CAS. Such practices may include presenting at conferences, writing articles, advising fellow members on implementing CAS and Self-Assessment, and conducting webinars or podcasts about the use of CAS within the functional area. The Representative will also attend NODA CAS Advisory Committee meetings to provide updates from the CAS Council. 
  • Promote CAS products to NODA Members: CAS is dependent upon sales of its products to support the work of the consortium. The Representative is expected to help promote CAS products to colleagues within NODA and across higher education.

Benefits For Association-Appointed CAS Representatives include

  • Voting on matters that influence the scope and course of higher education; 
  • Representing NODA’s interests in CAS initiatives and educating others in the field on the work of their supporting association; 
  • Participating on committees to create, review and revise standards for 50 functional areas;
  • Contributing to the development of resources that support the implementation of the CAS Standards, Cross-Functional Frameworks, and Self-Assessment Guides; 
  • Influencing the revision and creation of standards and frameworks that apply to NODA’s functional area(s), including New Student Orientation Programs (NSOP) 
  • Engaging in discussions with thought leaders within higher education; 
  • Informing NODA leadership and members about CAS publications and their uses;
  • Encouraging professional development activities regarding professional standards; 
  • Eligibility to serve as governing board members of CAS, helping to further guide the future of CAS and hone personal leadership skills; 
  • Receiving a complimentary copy of the CAS Professional Standards for Higher Education book, access to presentation materials, and staff support. 

Qualifications and Skills

  • Experience with CAS Standards: The most successful representatives have worked with CAS Standards in some form previously. This experience allows representatives to quickly integrate into the work of the Council and immediately participate in standards development and revision. This experience is not required, but it enhances the Council representative’s ability to jump into the work of CAS. 
  • Former or Current NODA Leadership Experience: Through appointment to CAS, it is expected that representatives will be able to speak for the interests of NODA, including those who play governance roles in the association. CAS recommends that Representatives have demonstrated a high level of competence within the functional area as well as held positions of leadership within the association. Many current CAS Representatives have served on the Executive Committees of their association. 
  • Innovative and Critical Thinking: CAS Representatives must be able to think critically about a range of issues impacting higher education. Old paradigms of how we do things in higher education, including the enactment of professional standards, may become outdated. CAS representatives must be able to think critically and innovatively and solve the problems we face as a consortium. 
  • Longevity: CAS work requires knowledge that takes time to acquire, and the work of the Council relies on strong relationships. The CAS Representative is required to serve no fewer than three years and is eligible for continued service as long as the representative demonstrates a willingness and commitment to do the work of CAS and the association.
  • Cultural Competence and Humility: CAS encourages associations to appoint representatives who reflect the social identity diversity of their functional area. CAS expects associations to appoint representatives who are culturally competent, demonstrate cultural humility, value diverse perspectives, and bring forth ideas about how to collaborate across differences. 


  • Full-time employment at a higher education institution
  • Active NODA membership of a minimum of 6 years
  • 10 years of professional, full-time employment in higher education
  • Due to the nature of the CAS standards, the individual representing NODA should have significant experience in higher education and should be a mid-level professional or higher
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