NODA Community Leaders

Each NODA Community Leadership Team will collaborate to meet the following Community Expectations and Deliverables:

  • Communities will host a minimum of five (5) opportunities for connection between January – May and September – December (not inclusive of the Annual Conference). Connection opportunities include, but are not limited to, roundtables, lunch breaks, Book Club meetings and conversations, town halls, institution/program spotlights, current issues/topic discussions, etc.
  • Communities will communicate with their membership every 4 – 6 weeks through discussion boards, newsletters, social media, and/or NODA Connect. Communication could be focused on current topics, new initiatives, spotlights on programs, welcoming or introducing members, and/or Orientation, Transition, and Retention best practices. Reminders and follow-up communications are also highly recommended to promote engagement.
  • Communities will coordinate with the Annual Conference Planning Committee on opportunities for connection at the Annual Conference. This includes, but is not limited to, affinity spaces, roundtables, or educational programming around the Community’s mission.
  • Communities will advocate for the needs of the Community and provide recommendations through the Communities Implementation Committee to the Board of Directors, Association Staff Partner(s), and the appropriate NODA Standing Committee Chairs.

Eligibility and Expectations:

  • Association Membership: Leaders are required to maintain an active Association membership for the duration of their appointment.
  • Higher Education Employment: Leaders are required to maintain employment at a higher education institution for the duration of their term.
  • Financial Obligations: There are no financial obligations related to these roles. Leaders are strongly encouraged to attend the Annual Conference and Regional Conferences but are not required. NODA Excellence Fund Leadership Development Grants are available to assist with travel if needed.
  • Time Commitment: Leaders can expect to spend between 3 to 5 hours per month planning community programming and content. Community Leaders are expected to attend virtual planning meetings, Association committee meetings, and complete tasks as assigned.
  • Communication & Representation: Leaders responsibilities require them to be in active communication with the Association staff, other leaders, and community members. Leaders are expected to represent the Association with clarity, professionalism, and integrity.
  • NODA Policies: Leaders are expected to adhere to the following NODA Policies:

Responsibilities and Qualifications

  • Coordinate and develop strategic initiatives for the Community
  • Provide direction, coordination, and mentorship to the appointed leaders in the Community
  • Develop and uphold the mission of the Community via continuous assessment of the purpose and goals of the group 
  • Coach members and prospective leadership of the Community and NODA
  • Participate in Community Chairs meetings as scheduled
  • Field/direct questions from Community members
  • Advocate for the needs of the Community and Community members
  • Coordinate with the Communities Lead, Annual Conference Committee, and Association Staff partners for a presence at the Annual Conference
  • Take an active role in mentoring Community members to prepare them for future leadership positions, contributing to new pathways for engagement with the Association and Community continuity
  • Submit Community Chair Recap Report (twice a year)
  • Full-time employment at a higher-education institution
  • Active NODA membership
  • Two (2) years of professional, full-time employment in higher education/higher education adjacent work
  • Successfully completed a full-term in a previous leadership role within a NODA Community or other NODA Leadership role
  • Support from supervisor/institution to participate in this leadership role
  • Knowledge of orientation, transition, and retention programs and trends as it relates to the community
  • Knowledge of and commitment to the community’s purpose and NODA Strategic Priorities
  • Ability to collaborate across diverse constituents and facilitate discussion balancing multiple needs
  • Assist Chair in coordinating meetings/connection activities/programs for Community members
  • Coordinate at least five (5) programs per year in coordination with the Chair
  • Share best practices and processes with their counterparts in similar Communities 
  • Full-time employment at a higher-education institution
  • Active NODA membership
  • One (1) year of professional, full-time employment in higher education/higher education adjacent work
  • Support from supervisor/institution to participate in this leadership role
  • Knowledge of orientation, transition, and retention programs and trends as it relates to the community
  • Knowledge of and commitment to the community’s purpose and NODA Strategic Priorities
  • Demonstrated ability to develop programming for professionals
  • Assist Chair in coordinating communication with the Community
  • Coordinate a touchpoint/communication every 4 – 6 weeks from September to May
  • Highlight and engage the Community on NODA Connect and NODA Social Media
  • Welcome new members to the Community, introduce new members of the Community to the existing Community members
  • Share best practices and processes with their counterparts in similar Communities
  • Full-time employment at a higher-education institution
  • Active NODA membership
  • One (1) year of professional, full-time employment in higher education/higher education adjacent work
  • Support from supervisor/institution to participate in this leadership role
  • Knowledge of orientation, transition, and retention programs and trends as it relates to the community
  • Knowledge of and commitment to the community’s purpose and NODA Strategic Priorities
  • Demonstrated ability to communicate effectively and experience producing content for distribution (i.e. newsletters, social media posts, etc)

Below is a list of other community roles specific to one or more NODA Communities:

  • None at this time

Recognition and Remuneration

See Volunteer Recognition & Remuneration Policy.

Selection and Appointment Process

NODA members interested in serving as Community Leaders must submit an application for consideration or be listed on the Community Formation Form. A review committee will be established by the Association Staff and will make recommendations for appointment to the President for Community Chairs. For other Community roles, current Community leaders will review and select Community leadership for appointment by the Community Chair.

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