Join a dedicated and inclusive community of professionals, faculty, students, and other constituents working
in the fields of orientation, transition, and retention in higher education.

NODA membership offers high quality professional development opportunities, connections of people and ideas for peer-to-peer learning, access to scholarly knowledge, and sharing of new and emerging best practices.
We provide our members with experiences and resources to help them make an impact on their campuses and build relationships that will follow them throughout their career. Learn more about the benefits a NODA member receives below.
Accredited Institution can purchase professional membership for all faculty and staff employed at the institution. In addition, graduate student membership can be extended to all master’s and doctoral students studying at the institution. Rates are tiered based on the institution’s primary location, primary degree type, and full-time student equivalent as reported in the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS).
Institutional Membership Benefits
In addition to the benefits individual professionals and graduate students receive, institutions purchasing membership receive the following benefits:
- Receive discounted rates on Consulting services focused on creating cost-effective solutions for institutions or departments looking to evaluate, enhance, or reimagine their current orientation, transition, or retention programs.
- Have eligibility to serve as a host site for the NODA Internship Program.
- Ensure your programs are aligned with best practices in orientation, transition, & retention programs with data-driven resources, including the NODA Databank.
- Access to special events related to current trends in orientation, transition, and retention.
- Connect with NODA’s Associate Members who offer products, services, or resources in areas such as Entertainment/Speakers, Merchandise, Partners in Sustainability, Professional Services, Publishers/Authors, and Technology.

Institutional Membership Pricing
Two-Year Institutions
- Very Small (fewer than 500 students) – $395
- Small (500–1,999 students) – $425
- Medium (2,000–4,999 students) – $550
- Large (5,000–9,999 students) – $575
- Very Large (more than 10,000 students) – $625
Four-Year Institutions
- Very Small (fewer than 1,000 students) – $395
- Small (1,000–2,999 students) – $650
- Medium (3,000–9,999 students) – $1,100
- Large (more than 10,000 students) – $1,500
Other Institutions
Non-US based institutions, institutions focused on professional degree programs, system offices, and other institutions not classified in the structure above can join NODA for $395/annually.
Professional members are administrators, faculty, or staff members employed at a post-secondary institution responsible for, or having an interest in, college student orientation, transition, and retention. This category also encompasses members who are no longer employed at a post-secondary institution but still have a non-profit interest in college student orientation, transition, and retention.
Professional membership is $395/year.
Professional Membership Benefits
NODA has benefits exclusively for professionals and faculty working in the fields of orientation, transition, & retention. Membership to NODA connects you to our network of over 2,200 members at over 2,000 institutions across the United States of America and countries around the world.
Networking & Connection
- Join NODA Networks to affiliate with a group of colleagues for support, idea sharing, and problem-solving in areas you have personal or institutional interest.
- Connect in peer-to-peer learning and conversations in NODA Connect discussion forums.
- Engage with colleagues from around the world through in-person and virtual event offerings.
Professional Development
- Receive discounted registration rates for the NODA Annual Conference, Regional Conferences, and NODA Institutes, Symposiums, & Summits.
- Attend NODA Events to keep in touch with issues and best practices in the profession at a free or discounted rate.
- Get involved with the Association through committees, networks, and leadership teams.
- Explore volunteer leadership opportunities and have an impact on the Association.
- Showcase the successes of your programs and outstanding professionals through awards and scholarships.
- Submit and present educational sessions at virtual and in-person events.
- Access discussion forums, as well as presentations, data, research, articles, sample schedules, and more in NODA Connect.
- Receive member rates on all NODA Publications, including receiving a free copy of the “Orientation Planning Manual,” upon request.
- Receive personalized communications, including the weekly NODAfications newsletter and the monthly NODA Review.
- Find resources to help lead your programs through critical times, such as the COVID-19 global pandemic.
A NODA Graduate Student Membership helps you on your way to becoming a leader in orientation, transition, and retention, including being a future student affairs professional. As a student member, you are enabling yourself to gain skills, knowledge, and experience outside the classroom, make important connections with current professionals, and have access to key resources that will help you build the career you want.
Graduate Student membership is $75 for one year or $125 for two years.
Graduate Student Membership Benefits
Networking & Connection
- Join NODA Networks, like the Graduate Student Network, where you can make connections, find support, and share ideas.
- Meet peers and current orientation, transition, & retention professionals from around the world through in-person and virtual event offerings.
- Connect in peer-to-peer learning and conversations in NODA Connect discussion forums.
Professional Development
- Attend events and conferences focused on your experience as a student – like the Graduate Student Symposium.
- Receive discounted registration rates for the NODA Annual Conference, Regional Conferences, and NODA Institutes, Symposiums, & Summits.
- Have access to member-only scholarships and awards.
- Learn more about the field and the Association by joining committees and networks.
- Have eligibility to participate in the NODA Internship Program.
- Explore volunteer leadership opportunities and expand your resume.
- Submit and present educational sessions at virtual and in-person events.
- Access discussion forums, as well as presentations, data, research, articles, sample schedules, and more in NODA Connect.
- Receive member rates on all NODA Publications, including receiving a free copy of the “Orientation Planning Manual,” upon request.
- Receive personalized communications, including the weekly NODAfications newsletter and the monthly NODA Review.
- Find resources to help lead your programs through critical times, such as the COVID-19 global pandemic.
All memberships expire one calendar year (12 months) from the date the institution joined / renewed regardless of when individual members were added to the institutional account. Membership benefits are not available until full payment is received at the Association Office. All NODA membership fees are non-refundable and non-transferable once payment has been processed.