The charge of the membership committee is to assist in membership recruitment, review member benefits, and help ensure an overall positive member experience as part of the Association.

To meet this charge, the Committee will:

  • Identify the needs of members and recommend the development of services to meet those needs. The committee will conduct a formal needs assessment every three years.
  • Recommend means for increasing NODA membership base.
  • Recommend ways to make prospective and current members aware of the resources, programs, services, and other membership benefits.
  • Recommend ways to acknowledge new and renewing members and to encourage participation in NODA. Support onboarding activities as necessary.
  • Gather information on and analyze non-members’ needs and perceptions of NODA. Recommend ways in which to meet these needs to attract non-members to join.
  • In consultation with Regional Coordination Committee (RCC) and Network Coordination Committee (NCC), recommend policies, procedures, and practices for NODA Connect, NODA’s online community space.
  • Assist staff in reviewing and maintaining demographics and other information provided in the NODA member profile.

This committee will focus on the following elements of the Strategic Plan:

  • Expand programmatic offerings to support Historically Black Colleges and Universities/Minority Institutions/Hispanic Serving Institutions/Tribal Colleges and Universities.
  • Increase the membership base whose primary functions are transition and retention focused.
  • Partner with members of HBCUs, HSIs, MSI, and Tribal colleges and universities to develop relevant educational priorities.
  • Understand the reasons why members join and leave NODA.
  • Enhance the onboarding process for new members and staff to NODA.
  • Develop an integrated marketing and communications plan.

Alyssa Talvi
Cornell University

Becky Wroe
University of Waterloo

Committee Membership
  • A minimum of four (4) general Association members (including the chair)
    • One representative from the Diversity and Inclusion Committee 
    • One representative from the Regional Coordination Committee (RCC)
    • One representative from the Network Coordination Committee (NCC)
    • One general Board of Directors member to serve as the Board Liaison. 
    • One Association Staff Partner
Committee Member Term
  • TBD
Committee Chair
  • TBD
  • TBD