The charge of the Scholarly Practice & Resources Committee is to promote initiatives around best practices in orientation, transition, and retention within the Association with the development of scholarly practices, research, and professional development offerings.

To meet this charge, the Committee will:

  • Offer professional development and provide support for members engaged in scholarly work in the field of orientation, transition, and retention;
  • Assist in the review and evaluation of scholarly applications such as grants and awards;
  • Oversee the process of conducting regular NODA Needs Assessments and the NODA Databank and share results to inform the Association’s strategic planning; and
  • Review NODA publications and develop a plan for revised current publications and new publications for consideration.

Sal Rizza
Southern Connecticut State University

LaToya Stackhouse
Gordon State College

Committee Membership
  • A minimum of six general Association members (including the chair), ideally with membership representing the following:
    • a publication editor within NODA,
    • positions focused on orientation, transition, and retention
    • one Board of Directors member (appointed by the Association President) as liaison on an annual basis
    • one Association staff partner
Committee Member Term
  • Committee members will serve two-year terms and may serve up to two consecutive terms
Committee Chair
  • General Association Member
  • Chair will serve two-year term and may serve up to two-terms

Visit the Community Calendar for committee meeting dates.